Try out Aromatherapy during Menopause

Aromatherapy is a natural way of keeping your mind and body in good health. By using natural essential oils and flowers, aromatherapy attempts to positively affect your health, and it can often to do so in a particularly beneficial way. During perimenopause, one of the worst effects…

Hormone Yoga Therapy- Natural Menopause Therapy

You can also go for hormone yoga therapy in order to deal with perimenopause and menopause. This special kind of yoga therapy is targeted towards hormones and is great during all the stages of menopause. This kind of natural hormone therapy is aimed at your endocrine system…

Herbal Remedies for Menopause

Herbal medicines are not taken seriously by women who start experiencing menopause. However, these medicines have been proven to be beneficial for women, providing fast relief for many hundreds of years. There has been a lot of recent research in this field, which combined with the age…

What is Menopause and What Causes it?

Being a woman can be quite the rollercoaster ride. Since puberty, you’ve been able to conceive a child. Your body went through massive changes and your emotions may have been all over the spectrum. During pregnancy, a life grows inside of you and as a mother, you…

Managing Strong Mood Swings When You’re in Menopause

Mood swings are common when you’re in menopause. Though it’s often joked about, there is a link between the way your emotions can swing and the hormonal changes that you experience during menopause. The way that your hormones rise or fall during menopause can cause your mood…

How to Deal with Menopause

There are many ways to deal with menopausal problems. You can go for lifestyle changes or hormone replacement therapy which will help you to deal with menopause. The lifestyle changes include regular exercise, quitting smoking and opting for a healthy diet. You can go for yoga which…

7 Ways to Fight Menopause

When you mention menopause, the word elicits groans from women of all ages, from those who’ve been there to those who are facing it in the future. No one likes to experience the side effects associated with this condition. This time of change affects women physically with…

Natural Treatment for Menopause

Why should one go for natural treatment? Menopause is a condition that many women find it difficult to deal with. However, since it is a matter of hormones, you need to be very careful while treating the problems related to menopause. When women reach the time for…

Signs and Indicators (Symptoms) of Menopause

There are many signs and indicators of menopause. There is no need to have any fear or anxiety about menopause, because it is as much a natural process as puberty and it happens to every woman. As you approach the time in your life when menopause becomes…